Strategic, tactical and pre-operational:
CAST Terminal
CAST Aircraft
CAST Vehicle Ground Handling
CAST Vehicle Landside
CAST Stand & Gate Allocation
Pre-operational and operational:
Pax Flow Solution powered by CAST
Security Management Solution powered by CAST
APOC Simulation Solution powered by CAST
CAST Express
With this glossary we would like to give short, basic explanations and definitions for important and frequently used terms in the fields of Analysis, Runway and Terminal Capacity Assessment and Airport Simulation/Allocation. These are based on our experience of practical application in the industry. We would be happy to provide you with more detailed definitions and further explanations. Please feel free to contact us.
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UAM stands for Urban Air Mobility, which refers to the transportation of people and goods by air in the urban environment. The term is also frequently used in the context of new air transport concepts such as air cabs or drones.
Urban air mobility is regarded as one of the potential megatrends of the upcoming years with the potential to make inner-city travel faster and hassle-free while reducing congestion on the ground and thus CO2 emissions.
UA resp. UAV stands for Unmanned Aircraft (Vehicle) and refers to autonomous flying aircraft types such as drones or air cabs that no longer require a pilot.
The terms are used synonymously with the abbreviations UAS / UAVS which stands for Unmanned Aircraft (Vehicle) Systems.
Smaller unmanned aircraft types with less than 25kg take-off weight are also described as sUAS (small Unmanned Aircraft System).
ARC offers drone manufacturers and operators, network planners and regulators, cities and airports detailed process planning, simulation services and expert consulting in operations and technical studies (read more).
We would be happy to provide you with more detailed information and case studies. Please feel free to contact us.
RPA resp. RPAS stands for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (Systems) and is a subset of the more general category UA / UAS which stands for Unmanned Aircraft (Systems)
The term describes a subcategory of UAV and is characterized by the ability to vertical take-off and landing with electrical power supply.
Because of the low space requirements for landing and low noise emissions, this category is well suited for (sub-) urban areas.
U-Space provides a framework that maps the implementation of manned and unmanned flight operations in all classes of airspace to maintain safe flight operations.
The USSP (U-Space Service Providers) monitor UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) operations in a U-Space and serve as an interface between manned and unmanned aviation and are thus a prerequisite for the establishment of a U-Space.
UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) stands for new air traffic management systems which also include UAVs (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles) and associated special challenges in existing air traffic management systems.