Incheon International Airport
Pax Flow Solutionpowered by CAST
The PAX FLOW SOLUTION enables fast, predictive analysis of the various processes in airport terminals. Integrated into the airport’s operating systems, this solution provides the best possible view on the next hours of operations. Thus, airport operators can use and staff resources more efficiently than before.
Passenger flows, numbers, and distribution as well as resource and facility requirements for the next minutes and hours are continuously calculated and the results / KPIs are distributed to all relevant stakeholders enabling them to proactively manage resources and optimize passenger flows.
What-If functions allow decision options to be compared and evaluated within a minimum of time. Beyond real-time prediction the PAX FLOW SOLUTION supports pre-operational and tactical terminal capacity planning.
The PAX FLOW SOLUTION is designed especially for the needs of airport operators to support the operational terminal processes. The solution can be used for real-time prediction of terminal processes in an operational environment as well as for tactical terminal capacity planning.
To optimize passenger flows and process planning on the day of operation, the solution accesses the airport’s IT data like AODB, resource management systems and live process monitoring systems. The PAX FLOW SOLUTION automatically and regularly simulates the next hours of operation based on the latest system data available. This gives the airport operator the most precise real-time prediction on the passenger flows in the terminal and allows an optimized resource supply including the expected waiting times.
The execution of “what-if-scenarios” allows the user to analyze and compare different scenarios. Hence, the airport operator will be perfectly prepared if there are for example additional flights, a failure of resources or a delayed flight.
Dashboard views on the results compared to live-data give a predictive insight and common understanding of the expected terminal operation to all relevant stakeholders. Thus, it becomes easy to identify the most suitable solution to overcome the challenges of changing conditions.
Compared to other approaches, where predictions are purely driven by historical data, the PAX Flow Solution is based on the digital twin concept, meaning that a simulation model of the passenger terminal with all relevant processes calculates the prediction results.
The simulation model is integrated within the airport’s operational systems and has interfaces to available live data sources and tracking information:
With these live updated data sets, a new simulation run is triggered automatically and without any manual interaction every 5-15 min to predict the passenger flow for the current day of operation.
Because every single passenger incl. individual characteristic (show-up profile, bag number, etc.) is simulated with the most current flight schedule, the PAX flow and process utilizations within the next hours can be predicted:
Managing an airport on the day of operation is a highly complex task with many stakeholders involved. Therefore, it is key that all stakeholders have access to the same information (Single Source of Truth Concept) to work seamlessly together.
Based on the constantly updated simulation results actions to optimize the passenger flow and mitigate capacity issues on the day of operation can be evaluated in advance before these problems become reality.
As there might be different options to solve critical problems the stakeholders can even use the simulation platform to run their own ‘What-if’ scenarios to make smart decisions.
The combination with SECURITY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION gives you the unique opportunity to include customized and highly accurate prediction of resource supply. Included Change Management guarantees a successful realization of the new approach.