CAST Vehicle Landside is the flexible, comprehensive and most efficient modelling tool for landside traffic flows, processes and passenger drop off. It offers decision support for planning, optimization and validation of the landside road network, parking and related facilities.
Considering flight related and other traffic, with CAST Vehicle existing systems and new concepts can be rapidly evaluated in scalable levels of detail. An airport’s landside routing concept can be checked as well as the utilization of roads, parking and other functional areas, for example in order to identify bottlenecks, determine resources or assess the capacity. In combination with CAST’s pedestrian simulation capabilities, also the interaction with passenger flows can be modelled.
CAST has been developed by users for users with partners like BAA, Frankfurt Airport, Zurich Airport, Eurocontrol and Airbus.
Worldwide users include airport owners, airport operators, airlines, ground handling companies, ANS provider, logistic companies, authorities, universities and other organisations, as well as engineering, planning and consulting companies.
To ensure a quick start and immidiate success ARC offers consulting services, training as well as support for the initial set-up of a model.
As an further option the Continuous Modelling Service (CMS) does not only include the set-up of a 3D-CAST model of the airport but also a predefined simulation service on a regular base in order to check defined airport parts or to test next season’s schedule. For ARC and its worldwide clients a close and long term cooperation is one of the most important key factors to ensure the best possible outcomes and ensure the sustainable use of the CAST technology.
Subsequent to the training experienced CAST experts take care of the user support. The ARC helpdesk is there to answer technical questions regarding the use of CAST for specific tasks, technical problems or special features of CAST. Further, individual modelling and project support is available as an option.
Being a CAST User means becoming a member of the CAST User Community. Every year, CAST users from various international airports, airlines and consulting companies come together to network with other experts, share experiences, talk about projects, gain insights into the latest developments and discuss CAST’s vision for the future.